Torre de Càlig was the cultural and historical space where the recognition act of the Mancomunitat de la Taula del Sènia was held for the Presidents of the Provincial Councils of Castellón (José Martí), Tarragona (Noemí Llauradó) and Teruel (Manuel Rando ). The purpose of the act was to express gratitude for the participation of the three institutions in the promotion and protection of the natural heritage of the Sénia Territory.

Eudald Carbonell, archaeologist and co-director of Atapuerca has visited the Territorio Sénia Millenary Olive Trees with Paco Zapater, ambassador of these Olive Trees. This day, treated as a pairing between Atapuerca and the Millenary Olive Trees, has served Carbonell to relate and create synergies between these monumental trees and archaeology.

On February 22 and 23, 2023, the V and last Transnational Workshop for the dissemination of results and closure of the VALSIPAM Project was held at the GIAHS Agro-silvo-pastoral, Barroso (Portugal), which has all been financed by the program Interreg-Sudoe.

On Friday morning, November 25, at the Ulldecona House of Culture, the 10th Millennial Olive Trees Congress of the Sénia Territory took place. After 2 years of COVID which did not allow to do this event and also this year's minimal harvest due to flowering problems in spring, the Congress served to review what has already been achieved so far and, above all, to mark the future in terms of protection, conservation and enhancement of the millenary olive trees of the Sénia Territory.

On October 17, 18 and 19, 2022, the IV Transnational Worshop was held at the SIPAM of the Territori Sénia (Valencian Community, Catalonia and Aragon) for the validation of the sustainable tourism management and valorizaton strategy of the SIPAM, within the project VALSIPAM financed by the Interreg-Sudoe program.

On June 13, 14 and 15, 2022, the III VALSIPAM Transnational Workshop was held in the SIPAM territory of Valle Salado de Añana (Álava) with the aim of testing the tourist experiences designed for visitors to this unique agricultural system.

On Sunday, March 13, 2022 (after a 2-year stoppage due to Covid), the 17th Taula del Sénia Exhibition was held in Godall, taking advantage of the 19th MILENARIA Oil and Asparagus Fair on March 12 and 13.
The Godall Fair was inaugurated on Saturday, March 12, by Mª Teresa Adell, manager of the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia and Director of the Farga Milenaria Oil guarantee brand, and took place over the two days, with great public attendance from all over the area.

With a budget of 1.140.000€, the VALSIPAM (Valorization of SIPAM sites) project started on November 1, 2020 and is scheduled to end on February 28, 2023. It has 8 partners, in addition to the Consejería de Agricultura de Andalucía itself, which leads it, from the 3 countries that make up the SUDOE area.