The Decade of Ecosystem Restoration of the United Nations, declared by ONU from 2021 to 2030, is in pursue of a massive environment restoration as a way to fight climate change and have better food safety, water supply and biodiversity.

New book about the Millenary Olive Trees of the Sénia Territory, updating everything that has been achieved in the different fields: oil quality, gastronomy and oleo-tourism.
There's two more things to highlight:

The olive tree from Traiguera (Castelló) was acknowledged in the first edition of the contest, in which 12 more candidacies of legendary specimens were presented from Spain, Italy, Tunisia, Lebanon, Montenegro and Turkey. Other countries belonging to Recomed are Greece, Croatia, Slovenia and Morocco.

2018 was the European year of cultural heritage and, for this reason, together the Council of Europe and the European Commission organized the Prize European Heritage Stories among the 50 countries that signed the European Cultural Convention.

In 2016, one of the most recognized productions of Spanish cinema was "El olivo", the film directed by Icíar Bollaín and starring Javier Gutiérrez, Anna Castillo and Pep Ambròs. Written by Paul Laverty, Ken Loach's regular screenwriter, the film tells the story of Alma.

The Sénia Territory is a local entity made up of 27 municipalities (15 Valencian ones, 9 Catalans and 3 Aragonese), located around the Tosal del Rey, a point where the region of Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon meet and, besides sharing geography, history, language and culture, it has the major concentration of millenary olive trees of the world: more than 5.000 that exceed 3.50 m in trunk perimeter measured at 1.30 m from the ground.

Bread with oil is the epitome of olive oil cuisine and is, quite possibly, the best recipe that exists for it. All extra virgin olive oils, due to their simplicity and universality, are well suited for bread, but the Alícia Foundation has provided the following recommendations for the best pairings:

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the best type of olive oil due to its quality, taste, aroma, and nutritional and health benefits. Its low acidity reveals a wide range of flavours, which are hidden in those of inferior quality and are inexistent in refined oils. Therefore, olive oils that are labelled "extra virgin" are the main guarantee that you are consuming quality oil, as opposed to other commercial names that can mislead consumers.